Why is it essential to secure CI/CD?

  • CI/CD tools have complete access to your codebase and credentials.
  • Secure CI/CD practices scale with your service.
  • Achieve better security by shifting it left.

Find your answer by subject

Demand/Problem Solution Reference
Do you need Virtual Machine? Virtual infrastructure management using OpenStack Pan-Net cloud portal
Do you need to install a container runtime? Managing containers using Kubernetes Pan-Net CaaS
Do you need to track and manage changes of your code? Code management using GIT Pan-Net GitLab
Do you need to manage your binary repositories? Artifactory management using JFrog Pan-Net Artifactory
Do you need to manage credentials and keys? Managing credentials and keys using Vault Pan-Net Cloud Secrets
How to automate your workloads? Collection of DevOps and SRE practices Pan-Net DevOps space
Do you need to protect application/API? Application security using WAF Pan-Net WebShield

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